Sun Kool AC

For those with asthma and allergies, dust is more than a mere inconvenience. To make your Summerfield, Florida, home a breathe-easy haven, don’t neglect to check these four places — including clothes, curtains, and HVAC air filters — where dust lives.

Clothes and Bedding

Two of the most overlooked hiding places for dust can be found in your bedroom — namely, your bed and closet. The clothes in your closet collect dust from the air and generate some of their own as they release minuscule fibers. Meanwhile, your sheets, pillows, mattress, and comforter gather dust in the form of dead skin cells.

To minimize buildup in your closet, keep out-of-season or seldom-worn clothes in plastic totes or hanging bags. For your bed, be sure to wash your sheets and pillowcases weekly. Use hot water to kill dust mites. For any blankets or comforters that you can’t wash, shake them outside or take these bedding items to the dry cleaner.

Curtains and Blinds

Windowsills, curtains, and blinds can be some of the dustiest surfaces in your home. Depending on what type of curtains you have, consider cleaning them with an attachment on your vacuum cleaner. Alternatively, you can shake off the dust outside before laundering the curtains. Use a dusting mitt or wand to make cleaning your blinds easier.

Baseboards and Molding

Don’t forget tiny ledges or creases such as those in baseboards and molding. You probably don’t devote much thought to these areas, but they collect dust like any other flat surface. Also take a moment to dust the tops of any fan blades, cabinet doors, and appliances.

HVAC Filter and Ducts

If the dust in your home seems excessive, check your HVAC system’s filter. You should change or clean your filter regularly, or you may want to upgrade to a higher-quality filter that will catch more dust. You should also have your home’s ducts checked and cleaned regularly to prevent debris buildup.

Your HVAC system can be your biggest ally in the never-ending battle against dust. Call Sun Kool Air Conditioning today at 352-282-4763 to talk about whole-home air purifiers, HVAC maintenance, and other ways to tackle dust in your home. Better indoor air quality is only a phone call away.

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